Song of the Moment: Dalshabet – Someone like U


딱 너 같은 사람
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내 맘을 니가 알았으면 해

Happy Media Monday Tuesday! Had I written this post when I was supposed to, the song of the moment would have been Stellar – Sting, but I didn’t so here we are!

This song is fun, peppy and just feels optimistic,  which I absolutely love. So when I actually paid attention to the lyrics I realised just how absolutely perfect this song is for my life right now. Late last year (so like, two months ago), I finally cut a decades old friend out of my life and it hurt. We’d been friends for the majority of my adult life, so, him not being a phone call away is weird.

It’s easy to focus on the good times because a, focusing feels good and b, focusing on the bad feels a little disrespectful. I mean, it wasn’t all bad! At some point we were the best of friends and that was pretty kick ass, however, the reality is, that he was kind of a jerk to me. He wasn’t actually all that nice, and by the end his token effort to be a good person felt pained. Like, should it be that hard to be a consistently nice person to someone who is like family? Bah! Yet, I’d always find myself focusing on the good times and reaching out in an effort to fix things. Have some self respect woman. 

When I read the lyrics (1theK I love you for subbing in English, never stop), it really was cathartic. Everything I’ve wanted to say but found myself too frazzled to say was wrapped up in happy bouncy music. Yay kpop! In a weird way this song gave me permission to be mad about it (not in a consuming way), to accept that it wasn’t as good a friendship as it could have been and that yeah it’s okay to think, “I hope you find someone who loves you like you love others“, do a kpop wiggle and move on with my life.

딱 너 같은 사람 만나봐야 해.

Never underestimate the power of kpop.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. DymondM says:

    Okay wow! Their outfits!! 😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. adoredee says:

      Their styling for this video is like a Pinterest board of inspiration. Seriously love it!

      Liked by 1 person

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