2017, Be Adventurous.


When you write down your goals, you’ll have to be confronted with the realities of your successes and your failures.


2016 in Review

2016 was the year of Doing More. While the end of 2016 was a giant dumpster fire of sadness, I’d actually stuck to my goal! Sure, there’s always room for improvement, but nothing motivates me more looking back and knowing that I’ve actually accomplished what I set out to do. I wanted to jump in, start living my life and I did!


Inspired by the travels of my amazing cousin who blogs at The Five to Nine Traveller I became way more confident exploring the world around me. I did plan on blogging about it, but I’m not like her, I can’t see the beauty in the moment and capture it at the same time. LOL!


Basically, I lost 10kgs. So, this was a win.

Work & Adulting

My friends and family are my biggest supporters, I hope one day to believe in myself in the same way they believe in me. I took the first big step onto the career path I am currently on, and now I’m on rung two. Last year I felt like I had started a little too late, and now I feel like everything has happened so quickly! It’s exciting for sure, and challenging, but I am ready for adventure!

2017, Be Adventurous

The exciting thing about life is that when you start living it, your eyes open up to the amazing possibilities that exist out there.

Real talk, my whole life I’ve always tried to do the right thing. I’ve always followed a linear path because it was how I thought my life should go. This wasn’t even due to some external pressure, like how my family thought I should be, this was solely internal. Now I’m nearly 30, not where I thought I’d be in my life and I’m like.. maybe I should just .. do something else? Experiment! Try things entirely out of my comfort zone. As long as it’s not detrimental to my life, try not to say, “eh, that’s not really a me thing” and go for it!

I want to rediscover the things that brought me joy, and celebrate all the wonder and excitement there is out there in the world. 

Be Adventurous: with glitter.

Man, you have no idea how hard this is for me. I have hated glitter for the longest of time because I found it kind of tacky. Not just that, but it was so hard (once you touched it) not to be covered with it, and that made me feel dirty. 

But it’s so much fun though? It’s hard to be a grump when you’re sparkling like the entire season of Christmas. So, I’m channelling positivity with my adventure into all things sparkly!

Be Adventurous: with my wardrobe.

My mom looked at my wardrobe a few months ago and she asked why it was all so, dark. I’m not a goth, nor am I someone who doesn’t like wearing bright colors. I just played it a little too safe because .. well it’s safe. This year, I’m diving head first into bright colours!

Be Adventurous: In general

The more I thought about it, the more to this list there could be. There are so many things I want to explore or rediscover within myself, and I can’t do that by standing still or by being nervous to put myself out there. This year I want to be bold, be brave, do more and be adventurous!

It’s my Birthday Month and I am so excited for all the adventures I’ll have in 2017!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Yay to 2017 of Be Adventurous!! Go Dee! I kinda feel March is like a new year again cos of the new season it brings.

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